Revolutionise The Phone Battery

Remote GoatSmartphone users of today. All of us have one thing in common, and that is our batteries just do not last long enough. Okay, some more than others have this issue, and it’s more than likely the more new-tech hungry crowd who thrive off of a particular company…ahem…that’s besides the point here. What we are starting to see in the tech world is the ability to charge devices in multiple new ways. Disposable battery pads have been cropping up a few times, and the likes of charging kits made to look like cases have been around for a while now. It’s all very mundane but very useful at the same time, it’s nothing ground breaking either but, maybe the most ground breaking chargeable tech yet has made it’s way on to the scene.

Interestingly, an Israeli company has developed a technology that can charge a mobile in under a minute, and will move on to charging an electric car in a matter of several minutes. They say the tech has integrated the use of nano-technology that actually synthesises artificial molecules, and in which has been developed for a battery to store a much higher charge a lot quicker. Now we’re talking!

These never before developed materials are set to make their way to the market in 2016 as, for now, the tech is too bulky for the smartphone market. We all like a slim model these days. StoreDot, the company behind this revolutionary piece of tech says that the ‘nano-dot’ tech in place are bio-organic peptide molecules. They alter the way the battery behaves to allow the rapid and speedy absorption of power.

If you think that is staggering, StoreDot have remarkably raised a whopping $48 million from just two rounds of funding. According to StoreDots founder, a major phone maker has also backed the company with a significant amount of money but declined to break the news as to who it was. The only information is that it is an Asian company. Intriguing…

Moving forward with the technology, its expectant that it will go on to supply electric cars later down the line, disturbing the current process that generally takes a whole night to charge a single car.

Gone will be the days of eagerly waiting to see the 100% status at the top of your screen before heading out on the town. Blissful!

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